OT: Working virtual, where to live on the East Coast

We have been regularly losing congressional districts for the past few decades. Looks like we are on track to drop to 11 in 2030.
That's true, but we've been doing a lot better than other Northeastern states. In the 1940s, we had 14, and we still have twelve. In the 1940s, NY had 45; now it has 26; Pennsylvania had 33; now it has 17. If you want to look at a state of comparable size, Mass in the 1940s also had 14; now it has 9. It's hard to know with any assurance what the 2030 census will bring; the number of seats depends not just on your state's population, but on the amount that other states have grown, too.
That's true, but we've been doing a lot better than other Northeastern states. In the 1940s, we had 14, and we still have twelve. In the 1940s, NY had 45; now it has 26; Pennsylvania had 33; now it has 17. If you want to look at a state of comparable size, Mass in the 1940s also had 14; now it has 9. It's hard to know with any assurance what the 2030 census will bring; the number of seats depends not just on your state's population, but on the amount that other states have grown, too.
BTW, if you want to know where the seats went: Florida had 6 in the 1940s, and now has 28. California had 23; now it has 52 even with losing a seat in the last census. Texas had 21; now it has 38. It's truly a testament to the power of air conditioning!!
That's true, but we've been doing a lot better than other Northeastern states. In the 1940s, we had 14, and we still have twelve. In the 1940s, NY had 45; now it has 26; Pennsylvania had 33; now it has 17. If you want to look at a state of comparable size, Mass in the 1940s also had 14; now it has 9. It's hard to know with any assurance what the 2030 census will bring; the number of seats depends not just on your state's population, but on the amount that other states have grown, too.
Up until 1980, NJ had 15 seats.
Was having an interesting conversation with a friend of mine: the premise was that if someone had a job where they worked virtually and had to go in the office maybe every 3-4 months, assuming the job was in NYC or northern NJ, what state on the east coast would be the best to live in given taxes, cost and availability of housing, car insurance rates, etc. Assume you need to be within an acceptable driving distance, so figure Maine down to Virginia. States that would be covered would be Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, DC and Virginia.
North Carolina
Up until 1980, NJ had 15 seats.
NJ picked up a seat in the 1960 census to go from 14 to 15, then lost it in 1980 to go back to 14. It's still a lot better than neighboring states have done. Compare Pennsylvania, which has gone from 23 to 17 since 1980, or New York, which has gone from 34 to 26 over the same period.
Not at all

I’ll banter w the best of them

It’s just that a lot of people on this board, due to longevity, post count, or brazenness behind a keyboard, need to be called out

But I do dislike stereotypes - you know, like all southern people are dumb, everyone from NJ is in the mafia, etc

They’re kind of… stupid actually. Rarely true. Create division. Not my cup of tea

I tend to spell check and proofread on work related projects.

A college football message board, masquerading as a playdate for a number of posters on here… not so much

I like the post.

As long as you can agree that there are personable people everywhere :)
NJ picked up a seat in the 1960 census to go from 14 to 15, then lost it in 1980 to go back to 14. It's still a lot better than neighboring states have done. Compare Pennsylvania, which has gone from 23 to 17 since 1980, or New York, which has gone from 34 to 26 over the same period.
Similar proportions of loss.
Other States having more growth is not an indication to NJ having massive population loss

As retired said chalk that up to air-conditioning

Since 1980 NJ's population has increased over 25%.

1980 7,376,972
2021 9,267,130

That is some way to measure massive loss
Common sense people are moving out of NJ and making places like FL even redder. Its leaving the wackos to rule NJ, which is why Trenton is Trenton.

The state of Florida, which was once a pretty decent place, if not just as wildly racist as the rest of the South, has turned into a grease trap. The schools suck, the healthcare system sucks, public utilities suck, the summers are fit for nothing but bugs and the only people who really want to live there are too stupid to notice that they're in hell before they've actually died (which will likely be very soon, so...).
Was having an interesting conversation with a friend of mine: the premise was that if someone had a job where they worked virtually and had to go in the office maybe every 3-4 months, assuming the job was in NYC or northern NJ, what state on the east coast would be the best to live in given taxes, cost and availability of housing, car insurance rates, etc. Assume you need to be within an acceptable driving distance, so figure Maine down to Virginia. States that would be covered would be Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, DC and Virginia.
Waterfront in Delmarva, or lake house in poconos or NY state

Just relax and have a strong wi-fi signal
Other States having more growth is not an indication to NJ having massive population loss

As retired said chalk that up to air-conditioning

Since 1980 NJ's population has increased over 25%.

1980 7,376,972
2021 9,267,130

That is some way to measure massive loss
US pop increased about 50% over this time. Once you adjust for the natural birth rate, NJ pop has been relatively flat. Pretty sad record.
Yes it is. A massive loss in proportional pop. NJ blows due to Trenton incompetence.
Since 2010 NJ is basically dead center in population growth with a significant number of States with the type of State government you prefer behind us

There are many other reasons for population gain or loss ahead of the State government

Air-conditioning being one, winter being another
Other States having more growth is not an indication to NJ having massive population loss

As retired said chalk that up to air-conditioning

Since 1980 NJ's population has increased over 25%.

1980 7,376,972
2021 9,267,130

That is some way to measure massive loss
The thing to keep in mind is that in 1911 (right before Arizona and New Mexico were admitted as States), Congress fixed the size of the House of Representatives at 435 members. So what determines how many seats a state has is its proportion of the nation's population. States that grower faster than the nation's population gain seats at the expense of other states. So for a state to keep its numbers of seats it not only must grow, but it must grow as fast as the nation as a whole. Northeastern and Midwestern states definitely are not. New jersey, though, is doing pretty well as compared to other states in the region.
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Since 2010 NJ is basically dead center in population growth with a significant number of States with the type of State government you prefer behind us

There are many other reasons for population gain or loss ahead of the State government

Air-conditioning being one, winter being another
Taxes be the biggest.....and that my union loving Trenton defender, lands squarely on the state gov. LOL!
Not as good as New Hampshire, up 50%.
Yes, it's a refuge from "Taxachussetts." Probably from Vermont as well. Interestingly enough, though, New Hampshire hasn't grown enough to gain another House seat. You may say that's because it's small and would need to grow a lot to increase its proportion of the nation's population. But contrast Nevada, which had only one House seat as late as the 1970 census, picked up another in the 1980 census, and now has four. That's a high-growth state if there ever were one!
Yes, it's a refuge from "Taxachussetts." Probably from Vermont as well. Interestingly enough, though, New Hampshire hasn't grown enough to gain another House seat. You may say that's because it's small and would need to grow a lot to increase its proportion of the nation's population. But contrast Nevada, which had only one House seat as late as the 1970 census, picked up another in the 1980 census, and now has four. That's a high-growth state if there ever were one!

Funny, the Taxachusetts of 1980 now has the lowest rates of every state in the Northeast save Pennsylvania. And it didn't cut rates.
US pop increased about 50% over this time. Once you adjust for the natural birth rate, NJ pop has been relatively flat. Pretty sad record.
By FAR the most densely populated state.

Which means, obviously, there is less room to grow AND a disproportionate (based on size) number of people want to live here.

Facts are obdurate. But so is your worldview.
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What’s something rich people THINK is nice that poor people KNOW is trashy??…. FLORIDA
Yeah man
Ponte Vedra...trashy

Newsflash...every place has trashy areas. Some of you guys act like NJ is utopia. Love it here but we have our fair share of less-than-desirable places...

Atlantic City
Large parts of Newark and Jersey City

Ever been to South Jersey? Like deep south jersey? Check out some of those gems down there. I've been - was surprised to see more than a few Nascar and confederate flags.

Phillipsburg... great wrestling, not much else.

The aforementioned places, you could close your eyes and open them, and legitimately feel like you were in the deep south. Or rust belt.

Amazing what is said on these boards at times...
Yeah man
Ponte Vedra...trashy

Newsflash...every place has trashy areas. Some of you guys act like NJ is utopia. Love it here but we have our fair share of less-than-desirable places...

Atlantic City
Large parts of Newark and Jersey City

Ever been to South Jersey? Like deep south jersey? Check out some of those gems down there. I've been - was surprised to see more than a few Nascar and confederate flags.

Phillipsburg... great wrestling, not much else.

The aforementioned places, you could close your eyes and open them, and legitimately feel like you were in the deep south. Or rust belt.

Amazing what is said on these boards at times...
Uhhhh, perhaps look back at my posts…. There’s no way I’d ever move back to jersey.

I can play this game too!

Fells Point: Nice
Roland Park: Nice
Canton: Nice
Federal Hill: Nice

I’m still gonna tell you Baltimore is a sh*thole city to live in and to avoid it like the plague.

I know about south jersey… dated a girl years back from Tuckerton..
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Uhhhh, perhaps look back at my posts…. There’s no way I’d ever move back to jersey.

I can play this game too!

Fells Point: Nice
Roland Park: Nice
Canton: Nice
Federal Hill: Nice

I’m still gonna tell you Baltimore is a sh*thole city to live in and to avoid it like the plague.
That's great, but to assume Florida is a dump is the textbook definition of obtuse.

There are many nice parts of Maryland...others (Baltimore being at the forefront as it's morphing into a third world country) and especially the western part of the state ... yikes

The point is every state has nice places, and not so nice places.

I've been to places in Florida where you couldn't pay me to live there. Others (those mentioned above, as well as numerous others) are phenomenal in my opinion

I'd put Maryland on par with Jersey. Solid state, and I can see the appeal. But to denigrate Florida, when you live in... Maryland? Laughable at best
That's great, but to assume Florida is a dump is the textbook definition of obtuse.

There are many nice parts of Maryland...others (Baltimore being at the forefront as it's morphing into a third world country) and especially the western part of the state ... yikes

The point is every state has nice places, and not so nice places.

I've been to places in Florida where you couldn't pay me to live there. Others (those mentioned above, as well as numerous others) are phenomenal in my opinion

I'd put Maryland on par with Jersey. Solid state, and I can see the appeal. But to denigrate Florida, when you live in... Maryland? Laughable at best

Or you just continue to show you have thinner skin than a child and much like your reaction to the Maryland receiver making a joke you are taking a joke I made entirely too personally. F*cking relax dude, you’re getting Butthurt entirely too easily lately

Though let the record show the schools, healthcare, and infrastructure in Maryland are SOOO much better than Florida.

Ya’ll have Disney, congrats
Yes, you and I remember when New Jersey's state income tax was a flat 2.5% or so.
2% on the first $20,000 and 2.5% on anything over

And when I was in college working summer jobs it was ZERO. And they named an arena after the guy who changed that. Actually, more like he named it after himself.

And Connecticut only taxed investment income. No tax on wages. And have jacked up the corporate tax rate. Funny, that meant GE moved some of their operations to Taxachusetts to reduce their tax bill.
Or you just continue to show you have thinner skin than a child and much like your reaction to the Maryland receiver making a joke you are taking a joke I made entirely too personally. F*cking relax dude, you’re getting Butthurt entirely too easily lately

Though let the record show the schools, healthcare, and infrastructure in Maryland are SOOO much better than Florida.

Ya’ll have Disney, congrats
Nobody's butthurt about anything (soon to be cranky yes, as I'm already thinking about going back north after the holidays and the cold got me pissy)

I'm simply pointing out the laughable stereotype of criticizing Florida to someone who resides in the great state of... Maryland

Florida has more than its fair share of weirdo's. And weird places. Disney...never been, never will. Asked our daughter if she wanted to go, and thankfully she had no interest

Still think the Maryland guy was a dick. End of the But smack coming from that program is akin to us talking about Temple. Tallest midget situation at the core

You're spot on in regard to schools and healthcare. Infrastructure I'll punt on as FL appears to be strong, but that's not my area of expertise, especially vis-a-vis Maryland.

I don't go down to Florida for any of those things though.

Warm weather, relaxed attitude, FSU football / other sports, lower taxes, beautiful beaches... that's why.

Not to say those other things don't matter; they do. It's just not on my list of priorities when I'm picking a place to live
Nobody's butthurt about anything (soon to be cranky yes, as I'm already thinking about going back north after the holidays and the cold got me pissy)

I'm simply pointing out the laughable stereotype of criticizing Florida to someone who resides in the great state of... Maryland

Florida has more than its fair share of weirdo's. And weird places. Disney...never been, never will. Asked our daughter if she wanted to go, and thankfully she had no interest

Still think the Maryland guy was a dick. End of the But smack coming from that program is akin to us talking about Temple. Tallest midget situation at the core

You're spot on in regard to schools and healthcare. Infrastructure I'll punt on as FL appears to be strong, but that's not my area of expertise, especially vis-a-vis Maryland.

I don't go down to Florida for any of those things though.

Warm weather, relaxed attitude, FSU football / other sports, lower taxes, beautiful beaches... that's why.

Not to say those other things don't matter; they do. It's just not on my list of priorities when I'm picking a place to live
Uhhh, for a great majority of us those elements matter. Not to mention in Florida you can be eaten by a gator at any minute! Maryland>Florida for that reason alone!

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