Tournament Thread: NCAA Wrestling Championships Session 4, Friday 8 pm

What happen. The score said 6-4. And then it went to overtime. I had volume off.
What the hell was DeSanto doing? Didn’t he realize he had to wrestle and would lose the riding time point?!! Way to go Scott!

For the 2nd match in a row, he melted down. He's autistic, but it really manifested today.
For the 2nd match in a row, he melted down. He's autistic, but it really manifested today.
Was he not aware of the situation?? He seemed to be surprised when the match went into OT And then Desanto started pointing to the bench... seems like him and his staff weren’t on point wit the score??
4 stall calls? I did not realize that was possible in a 2 minute period.
Neither did I till I saw that kid on bottom. He did absolutely nothing. Didn't even try to get up to his base. You could see the ref telling him, "You got to move" but he wouldn't even budge. All he had to do was make it look good, like he was trying and Delvecchio would have lost.
Neither did I till I saw that kid on bottom. He did absolutely nothing. Didn't even try to get up to his base. You could see the ref telling him, "You got to move" but he wouldn't even budge. All he had to do was make it look good, like he was trying and Delvecchio would have lost.
I think he got confused wit the score.. like he forgot bout the RT point bc he seemed so surprise when it went to OT. Then I saw him pointing to the Bench, which I must assume he was blaming his staff in not letting him know the situation??
Savage also on Mat 1 ! Rock'em Richie !!! All the way to Dirty Jersey !