COVID-19 Pandemic: Transmissions, Deaths, Treatments, Vaccines, Interventions and More...

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Somerset County reported 29 new cases today, most since May 20th. Not sure why, people are doing really well with mask wearing here.
21 reported cases in the previous 3 days. Without knowing if this is a result of a backlog, or of increased testing(again perhaps associated with a back log), I'd give it a couple days to see if it is anything beyond a reporting blip.
Mono something antibodies? A more elegant version of convalescent plasma?
Can anyone provide good data on outdoor transmission (or the lack thereof)? Thanks.
Friend has a friend whose mom is a nurse in NYS. She tested positive for anitbodies with two separate tests back in April. She was retested for antibodies twice this week and was found negative with both tests. Thoughts?
Friend has a friend whose mom is a nurse in NYS. She tested positive for anitbodies with two separate tests back in April. She was retested for antibodies twice this week and was found negative with both tests. Thoughts?
There have been articles that have said that antibodies are only lasting 2-3 months. There are links/references in the old thread.
There have been articles that have said that antibodies are only lasting 2-3 months. There are links/references in the old thread.
Yup have seen those but I meant more thoughts about what this means for a vaccine and everything else.
Yup have seen those but I meant more thoughts about what this means for a vaccine and everything else.
don't know what you're getting at here. simple answer is...we need a vaccine, and we need to be measured in reopening and take the required precautions. nothing has changed...
don't know what you're getting at here. simple answer is...we need a vaccine, and we need to be measured in reopening and take the required precautions. nothing has changed...
What I am saying is if antibodies only last three months, will vaccine antibodies also only last three months?
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What I am saying is if antibodies only last three months, will vaccine antibodies also only last three months?

Fauci said this in the context of a vaccine:

"When you look at the history of coronaviruses, the common coronaviruses that cause the common cold, the reports in the literature are that the durability of immunity that's protective ranges from three to six months to almost always less than a year. That's not a lot of durability and protection."
Maine lifted their travel restrictions for NJ, NY and Conn:

The Mills Administration announced today that it is exempting visitors from the States of Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey from the 14-day quarantine requirement or negative COVID-19 testing alternative, effective this Friday, July 3, 2020.

Made my day, going up there July 7th and I was having trouble finding anyone who give me a test and get results back in less than 72 hours, had a few tell up to a week.
Goldman Sachs with an analysis showing that nationally mandated masks could save $1 trillion in losses otherwise incurred by going back to tighter restrictions and lockdowns. It's become so crystal clear that this is most important step we need to collectively take to get ourselves out of this mess. Maybe an appeal from Wall Street will resonate more with those who don't see the value in masks.

And below are a bunch of links to posts (not all mine) containing discussions and source links on various elements of the effectiveness of masks, since we're no longer in the original thread.

Post on country successes with masks:

Post on Black Swan author's mathematical take on masks:

Post on Missouri salon:

Post on hamster experiments with cloth "masks":

Post on filtration effectiveness for viruses from various masks:

First post recommending masks:
I read through that blog, very interesting stuff, some (most) is above my pay grade. I am curious on the scalability of the vaccines.

@UMRU gave a really concise summary awhile back that I've copied below and this article in MarketWatch provides some good intel on how many companies are scaling up manufacturing capability now, in advance of having any approvals, knowing that if they wait until approval, they won't be able to supply more than a few million doses right away. In fact several intend to manufacture hundreds of millions of doses at-risk, in case approval is obtained, so they're ready to supply the market immediately after approval. Hope that helps.

Some info and a question at the end.

I just gave an hour presentation on vaccine development to our department (RU med school) yesterday - some might be interested.

As of June 16 the WHO lists 11 candidate vaccines in clinical trials, with another 128 at pre-clinical stages (i.e. testing in mice).

Only two of these trials are in the USA (Moderna and Inovio) a third is a USA/Sweden partnership (Novavax). 2 are in the UK (Oxford and Imperial College, London) and 1 is in Germany (BioNTech).

5 trials are taking place in China.

7 of these trials are using technology that has never successfully produced a human vaccine (mRNA, DNA, non-replicating viral vectors, adenovirus, protein subunits.

4 of the Chinese trials are going "old-school" using attenuated virus (like the flu vaccine). The trials are huge, seem to be well-controlled and include children (age 3 and up).

It is very likely that China will have the first vaccine and one that that can be quickly scaled up to many millions of doses.

My question - will Americans get vaccinated with a Chinese produced vaccine?
I assume you're talking about the Pfizer/BioNTech collaboration on an mRNA vaccine, which announced phase I/II results this morning, correct? Sounds like it had good antibody response, but they haven't measured T-cell/B-cell response and there were a lot of fevers, although that's not considered a "serious" side effect - but it was enough to discontinue the highest of the 3 doses tested. Biggest issue might still be that no mRNA vaccine has made it out of R&D and into being a commercial product. Maybe they or Moderna will break that streak. Not sure what your 24 for 24 comment means and confused by your mRNA comment, since this is an mRNA vaccine.

Better write-up here, by Derek Lowe in his In The Pipeline blog. He's generally fairly skeptical, but he was very upbeat by the fact that they published a wealth of data in a paper (which Moderna promised with their mRNA vaccine, but haven't yet) for review, which is going to be critical for public confidence in any vaccine candidate, especially with the breakneck speed of development, where it would be easy to miss key safety data. Excerpt and link below.

But back to these latest results: I agree with the paper’s conclusion, which says that its findings “are encouraging and strongly support accelerated clinical development and at-risk manufacturing“. So far, so good, and remember, these folks have three more mRNA vaccines coming along simultaneously. I very much await Moderna’s paper on their Phase I mRNA results for comparison – it’s been six weeks since the press release, guys, an eternity in Covid-time. Bring on the data, everyone!
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Fauci said this in the context of a vaccine:

"When you look at the history of coronaviruses, the common coronaviruses that cause the common cold, the reports in the literature are that the durability of immunity that's protective ranges from three to six months to almost always less than a year. That's not a lot of durability and protection."
True, but who wouldn't mind getting a shot twice a year to prevent serious illness and/or death? And if enough people do that, it's possible the virus could eventually be stamped out.
anti body! Personally i wonder why the whole antibody testing thing is not being pushed at all...why..why wouldnt it.

Alex Berenson is a source of disinformation. That was a small group of people who were already hospitalized tested. That was not a random sampling. Alex claims hospitalizations aren't going up from Corona and that it's elective surgeries and people there for the surgeries are testing positive. He has no idea what he is talking about.
anti body! Personally i wonder why the whole antibody testing thing is not being pushed at all...why..why wouldnt it.

I'd like to see something back that up. AZ is at about 3%. NYC is up around 20%, but they were obviously hit significantly harder. That number seems way off.
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I'd like to see something back that up. AZ is at about 3%. NYC is up around 20%, but they were obviously hit significantly harder. That number seems way off.
It was one tiny study of people already in a hospital setting. It is not indicative of anything.
a different take on mask wearing from an expert

Chris von Csefalvay is an epidemiologist specializing in bat-borne viruses. He is currently VP of Special Projects at Starschema.

"The viral particles that spread Covid-19 are tiny bundles of proteins and nucleic acids, about 0.1 micron in size—or one hundred-thousandth of a centimeter. "

But doesn't the virus travel within the water droplets? He even implies it immediately after.

"Clearly, reducing the speed and pressure of droplets from sneezing or coughing that spread infections"

This guy seems to be where Fauci was at in March, just without the admitted intention of preserving ppe for health care workers.
here is a question, if CA has been requiring masks for 2 months, why are the cases going up like a rocket..protests? or is the narrative that only red states didnt comply with mask wearing a false one. its got to be one or the other right?

and i am not making a political post, i am just asking questions here on why we are seeing the spikes in CA even with the supposed mask ordinance in place
I did see that. The numbers don't seem to add up though, I mean is NC filled with some magic dark matter that keeps people infected from getting sick? I'd like to see something that backs those #'s up.

or maybe the nyc/nj strain is the deadly one and it was weak elsewhere
here is a question, if CA has been requiring masks for 2 months, why are the cases going up like a rocket..protests? or is the narrative that only red states didnt comply with mask wearing a false one. its got to be one or the other right?

and i am not making a political post, i am just asking questions here on why we are seeing the spikes in CA even with the supposed mask ordinance in place
Answered this in the other thread.

CA is the most populated state in the country and they test twice as much as any other state.

Their positivity rate is below 6%. FL is in the teens. As is TX. AZ is in the 20's.
or maybe the nyc/nj strain is the deadly one and it was weak elsewhere
It's possible. I'm not completely disregarding it, I don't know who Wake Forest Baptist Health is, but their website looks legit.

Edit: Still seems weird that AZ has a 3% antibody test %, and is having all sorts of problems, while NC got "the other strain".
Answered this in the other thread.

CA is the most populated state in the country and they test twice as much as any other state.

Their positivity rate is below 6%. FL is in the teens. As is TX. AZ is in the 20's.

so you are saying its just testing..okay
drug overdoses up bigly the past few months...washington post linked

see these are the type of things that we dont see in the media...these are the discussions we need to have....these are the thing that no politician or leader even touches on

mental health vs the idea of reducing deaths of coronavirus to nothing

we need to open, the country will crack if this goes on a few months longer...its not going away, people will die and generally those people are very old and have conditions that make them more susceptible, these are the people we should be sheltering and protecting..not the healthy and under 50
$500 fines in Georgia for not wearing face masks in public...are we really doing this now....seems bizarre based on the past month of current events
Nope seems like a good idea I applaud governor Kemp or whoever is responsible for such a decision.

apparently its just Savannah and basically just for any retail store or public enclosed case and they will hand out masks to you before they end up givining you a fine, its more shock value than anything else.

I have no qualms about masks in any stores or post office, banks, etc...its in an open aired environment or on the streets that I am vehemently against
apparently its in Savannah and basically just for any retail store or public enclosed case and they will hand out masks to you before they end up givining you a fine, its more shock value than anything else.
So why your outrage? Seems like a great idea. Wear your masks in stores, and public places, if you don't have one we will give you one, and if you still don't you pay the price. Seems very reasonable.
because trying to impose fines is going down a slippery slope. I see the mayor of Miami Beach will give out $50 fines for those not wearing masks on the
And the size of the state.

California has 39 million people
FL has 21 million
AZ has 7.5 million

Certainly this is not a hard concept.

where does NJ rank in daily and total to those 3 states...can you bring up the numbers of daily deaths and total deaths..thanks
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