Hush, men are talking.
The GOP has, over the years, reduced IRS enforcement to near nothing. It needs to be restored.
Contrary to the stipulation of Mister Potatohead, here, the majority of tax collection is not done via "withholding". Most tax revenue is collected via quarterly estimated payments for the various tax entities that are not simply "personal 1040". People cheat on corporate submissions. The cheating is rampant. One need simply to look at the recent conviction of the Trump Corp to begin to understand the level of outright theft that occurs on a regular basis.
Tens of billions in tax revenue goes uncollected every year because the IRS doesn't have the manpower to do compliance audits on corporate returns. The only ones not being hurt by this practice are the corporate stakeholders doing the cheating.
People like ol' Slim Cerebrum, here, applaud this sort of theft because they have delusions of grandeur, thinking that someday they, too, may be able to make millions ripping off the government. It's fantasy, of course. The Marginal Mayor just admitted, without realizing, that he doesn't know about any world other than 1040s. He is a Simple Man.