Clarification seems to be hard to come by. Did I back you into a corner on this one? The nitwit cost 13 America soldiers lives and will we ever know how many lost lives that helped Americans over the years? I was 100% for getting out of Afghanistan, just not the way the nitwit decided to pull it off and make no mistake, that was his call. You say I'm stupid, but I left Mr. Know it all tongue tied with an explanation on the Afghanistan withdrawal. I'll sitback and watch you blame Trump. Let's hear of the days leading up to that horrible day, amazed how you describe that disgusting day as "the first bit", sickening if the truth be told. Why is it always after the fact, when things go wrong, it's Trump's policies? Why isn't the nitwit out in front of the problem with corrections to these policies? Is his administration just lazy or do they just leave well enough alone until something blows up and default to "it's Trump's fault. We are 3 years into this $hitshow and Trump should be in the rearview mirror as a fall back excuse. People are on to the bullcrap. Just once I'd like to see Biden go to the mic,look at the screen and say,"'I knew this policy was wrong and I should have changed it before this happened, and that's on me. That's of course if he actually is allowed to take questions and not told to walk away seeing the back of his head. Even MSM is annoyed, after all is said and done, they still have stories to write. Oh, my bad, there's always Trump.