OT: Coming to a beach near you in NJ and NY

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Then why are countries like the Netherlands moving away from them if they are so effecient?
How many offshore wind turbines are there in the Netherlands?

By the end of 2020, the Netherlands had 2,606 wind turbines in use to generate electricity; 2,144 were located on land (inland waterways included) and 462 at sea.

What is the target for offshore wind in the Netherlands?

The Dutch Government has set a target of 70 GW of offshore wind energy until 2050, based on the assumption that 50 GW could be installed by 2040.S

34% UK, 28% Germany, 20% China and rest of the world 18% off shore wind installations.

C’mon Man, it’s time for Windmills. China will be the leader of offshore wind mills in the future.
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Then why are countries like the Netherlands moving away from them if they are so effecient?
Where did you read that? I took a look around and didn't see anything that supports that claim. Of course, I may have missed something, but I did find the following:

There are some articles about a Turbine in the Netherlands that collapsed in Jan 2023 and they shut down the rest of that specific farm. Looks like the turbines were erected in 1998 (so 25 years old) and used obsolete technology(2 bladed turbines) so it no longer made economic sense to continue their use.
Did I misinterpret his post to mean any subject and all topics, because stating 99.9 percent of voters know almost nothing on politics is a direct shot. Sorry my statement is only rhetoric to you because you refuse to believe anything or even consider the possibility you might be wrong on something,anything. Did democrats use facial recognition to arrest thousands who destroyed cities during the Summer Of Love Tour or was that mostly "peaceful" as CNN reporters described with buildings burning in the background. LMFAO! That wouldn't be considered rhetoric by definition in a Democratic dictionary? The art of persuasion in writing or speaking and it must be persuasive. Tell me other than Fox News, who has controlled the narrative the last 6 years with Social media,mainstream media, print and both houses of Congress. That is rhetoric, and you have had total control.Let's also throw in the fact all the government alphabet soup agencies have shown themselves to be political allies for one side of the aisle. Go ahead, either have my post deleted or laughed at, I really don't care. This 99.9% uninformed person is so sick of the lies and watching the 0.1% know it alls doing nothing about the downfall facing this country. Biden is so weak, our enemies are doing stuff worldwide that never would happen in the past. Remember when basement Joe promised to be the great healer of the country, WTF happened? Truly sickening.

Perfect example. "Blah blah lefties, blah blah blah cities destroyed"...

Name one city that was "destroyed".

We say you're uninformed for one very simple reason. You're uninformed.
Did I misinterpret his post to mean any subject and all topics, because stating 99.9 percent of voters know almost nothing on politics is a direct shot. Sorry my statement is only rhetoric to you because you refuse to believe anything or even consider the possibility you might be wrong on something,anything. Did democrats use facial recognition to arrest thousands who destroyed cities during the Summer Of Love Tour or was that mostly "peaceful" as CNN reporters described with buildings burning in the background. LMFAO! That wouldn't be considered rhetoric by definition in a Democratic dictionary? The art of persuasion in writing or speaking and it must be persuasive. Tell me other than Fox News, who has controlled the narrative the last 6 years with Social media,mainstream media, print and both houses of Congress. That is rhetoric, and you have had total control.Let's also throw in the fact all the government alphabet soup agencies have shown themselves to be political allies for one side of the aisle. Go ahead, either have my post deleted or laughed at, I really don't care. This 99.9% uninformed person is so sick of the lies and watching the 0.1% know it alls doing nothing about the downfall facing this country. Biden is so weak, our enemies are doing stuff worldwide that never would happen in the past. Remember when basement Joe promised to be the great healer of the country, WTF happened? Truly sickening.

Another example of the extreme nature of many posters on this board. Grumpy old guys here are not representative of RU as a whole.

BTW, whatever one feels about the POTUS, I do like our chief executive not tweeting out childish windups every day. Folks can tune into AM talk radio anytime they want their latest Democrat outrage fix.
Perfect example. "Blah blah lefties, blah blah blah cities destroyed"...

Name one city that was "destroyed".

We say you're uninformed for one very simple reason. You're uninformed.
Coming after gas stoves next lol,yet you will defend that. Insanity.Blah,blah Afghanistan defend how Joe Joe handled that fiasco. I'd love to hear the take from an expert on all things,since I can't make heads or tails on that one.
Another example of the extreme nature of many posters on this board. Grumpy old guys here are not representative of RU as a whole.

BTW, whatever one feels about the POTUS, I do like our chief executive not tweeting out childish windups every day. Folks can tune into AM talk radio anytime they want their latest Democrat outrage fix.
That's because he can't 😁
Coming after gas stoves next lol,yet you will defend that. Insanity.Blah,blah Afghanistan defend how Joe Joe handled that fiasco. I'd love to hear the take from an expert on all things,since I can't make heads or tails on that one.

Again - another perfect example. NOBODY is "coming after gas stoves". That's stupid. You've been told by Hannity and Tucker that it's true, so you believe it.

The Afghanistan withdrawal was agreed to by Trump. It was his plan, ideally timed so that the execution would take place in '21. There's video of Pompeo signing the agreement with the Taliban. Biden's only recourse upon taking office would have been to not honor the treaty. That would have escalated hostilities and required additional U.S. boots on the ground, which would have resulted in additional loss of life.

That's the simple explanation. If you really want to understand the nuance you can sign up for my class.
Energy News Weekly, lol, no agenda there,seriously?

The (brief) article - which you didn't read - sources its information from the Marine Mammal Commission, which is linked in the article.

This is why we say you're stupid. You don't take in information and evaluate it, you simply regurgitate whatever meme-ish tropes you've been spoon-fed.
Apparently the TEDx guy that was linked alluded to the Dutch shifting toward nuclear and away from wind so that's probably where newell heard it. That guy may have been misinformed but he had his 15 TED minutes so he ran with it.
Aha, I didn't find it because it was from Jan 2019. Over 4 years ago.

Here's an article from 2022 talking about their intent to build 2 additional reactors to compliment the 1 in operation currently. They are hoping to get these 2 new reactors into operation by 2035........

Couple key quotes:
"Nuclear energy can complement solar, wind and geothermal energy in the energy mix and can be used to produce hydrogen," the document said. "It also makes us less dependent on gas imports."
It anticipated that cumulative support for new nuclear would reach EUR5 billion by 2030, while not assuming the power plants would be online by that time.
Elsewhere in the energy sector, the government will support wind deployment while focusing solar deployment on rooftops rather than open land. Gas production will be phased out in Groningen and the government will not issue new licences for production in the Wadden Sea, close to the coast. Gas production in the North Sea will be supported because it reduces imports.
Again - another perfect example. NOBODY is "coming after gas stoves". That's stupid. You've been told by Hannity and Tucker that it's true, so you believe it.

The Afghanistan withdrawal was agreed to by Trump. It was his plan, ideally timed so that the execution would take place in '21. There's video of Pompeo signing the agreement with the Taliban. Biden's only recourse upon taking office would have been to not honor the treaty. That would have escalated hostilities and required additional U.S. boots on the ground, which would have resulted in additional loss of life.

That's the simple explanation. If you really want to understand the nuance you can sign up for my class.
Wait, you are telling me Trump signed up to leave billions of equipment and shipping out the military before everyone was out? Our translators left for dead? I would never sign up for a class you teach, lol.In January, a member of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) said a ban on gas stoves was “on the table” because of the health risks to consumers. The CPSC backed down after public outrage and ridicule, but soon after, the Department of Energy proposed an energy-efficiency regulation that officials acknowledge is so stringent that 96% of the gas stoves currently in use today wouldn’t make the cut. Again, I'm wrong because you don't agree with it, and in 5-10 years from now, snowflakes will blame anyone but "the big guy.
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Again - another perfect example. NOBODY is "coming after gas stoves". That's stupid. You've been told by Hannity and Tucker that it's true, so you believe it.

The Afghanistan withdrawal was agreed to by Trump. It was his plan, ideally timed so that the execution would take place in '21. There's video of Pompeo signing the agreement with the Taliban. Biden's only recourse upon taking office would have been to not honor the treaty. That would have escalated hostilities and required additional U.S. boots on the ground, which would have resulted in additional loss of life.

That's the simple explanation. If you really want to understand the nuance you can sign up for my class.

Season 5 Lol GIF by Real Husbands of Hollywood
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Wait, you are telling me Trump signed up to leave billions of equipment and shipping out the military before everyone was out? Our translators left for dead? I would never sign up for a class you teach, lol.In January, a member of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) said a ban on gas stoves was “on the table” because of the health risks to consumers. The CPSC backed down after public outrage and ridicule, but soon after, the Department of Energy proposed an energy-efficiency regulation that officials acknowledge is so stringent that 96% of the gas stoves currently in use today wouldn’t make the cut. Again, I'm wrong because you don't agree with it, and in 5-10 years from now, snowflakes will blame anyone but "the big guy.

The first bit was senseless and requires clarification.

As for the second bit... this might come as a surprise to you, but the Consumer Product Safety Commission does not set policy. Sure it makes for great Fox talking points, but in reality it's meaningless. Nobody is outlawing gas stoves. Reasonable people understand these things. Hysterics, on the other hand, tend to not.
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Back to the topic at hand. . . . (a lot more in the article, but the short of it is the lawsuit seems to have no merit):

"Save Long Beach Island's lawsuit to halt wind farms off the coast here is in jeopardy of being tossed from a federal district court in Washingtonn D.C.

U.S. District Court Judge Dabney Friedrich granted the defendants' motion to dismiss the case on March 9. However, she also allowed Save LBI's request to submit an amended complaint. She gave the group 30 days to make the amendment or the case will be closed. The group has 2½ weeks left to do so."


"Stern, a retired former U.S. Department of Energy employee who's lived on LBI for 50 years, filed the lawsuit almost a year prior to the spate of recent whale deaths that has riled up political debate against the wind farms."

The first bit was senseless and requires clarification.

As for the second bit... this might come as a surprise to you, but the Consumer Product Safety Commission does not set policy. Sure it makes for great Fox talking points, but in reality it's meaningless. Nobody is outlawing gas stoves. Reasonable people understand these things. Hysterics, on the other hand, tend to not
Clarification seems to be hard to come by. Did I back you into a corner on this one? The nitwit cost 13 America soldiers lives and will we ever know how many lost lives that helped Americans over the years? I was 100% for getting out of Afghanistan, just not the way the nitwit decided to pull it off and make no mistake, that was his call. You say I'm stupid, but I left Mr. Know it all tongue tied with an explanation on the Afghanistan withdrawal. I'll sitback and watch you blame Trump. Let's hear of the days leading up to that horrible day, amazed how you describe that disgusting day as "the first bit", sickening if the truth be told. Why is it always after the fact, when things go wrong, it's Trump's policies? Why isn't the nitwit out in front of the problem with corrections to these policies? Is his administration just lazy or do they just leave well enough alone until something blows up and default to "it's Trump's fault. We are 3 years into this $hitshow and Trump should be in the rearview mirror as a fall back excuse. People are on to the bullcrap. Just once I'd like to see Biden go to the mic,look at the screen and say,"'I knew this policy was wrong and I should have changed it before this happened, and that's on me. That's of course if he actually is allowed to take questions and not told to walk away seeing the back of his head. Even MSM is annoyed, after all is said and done, they still have stories to write. Oh, my bad, there's always Trump.
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This project is going to cost over 2 BILLION dollars, how is that going to be paid back in 1-2 years??!! And 2 billion is just the estimate. We know what happens to any of these lengthy projects and cost. What happens in 15-20 years when these have to be replaced? Its just not a smart way to produce electricity, we can do much better with the technology we have without shoving these things in the ocean with no idea on their impact to sea life, people or the environment. Add in we are doing it with a foreign company. Once these are in you are going to see them from CT to NC by the thousands, what will the impact be then?

Heartland Institute is the same folks who believe that smoking doesn't cause cancer and believe climate change is a hoax, so forgive me if I ignore the first link - although I will grant you that large projects like this often have major cost overruns (the ones for nuclear power make these look like child's play though), so that is a valid concern for any project like this (but not necessarily a reason to reject it). On the other hand, unless you simply refuse to read the links I provided, we do know that windmills will have fairly minor impacts on sea life, people and the environment (they've been safely in use in Europe for decades, as per my previous post).

Schnellenberger is a much more interesting source, IMO. I've read some of his work over the years, as he morphed from an environmentalist to a proponent of nuclear power and other things much more political. He's barely a scientist (has a degree in anthropology), but he does make some excellent points in some of his papers and the Tedx talk.

There's no doubt nuclear power could be the solution to much of our energy woes, but it just so happens to have the gargantuan downside of being a technology, which if it fails, can bring regionally to nationally catastrophic impacts to life and the environment. He loses major points with me for not even mentioning TMI, Chernobyl, or the immense problems associated with spent nuclear waste - and the risks of such plants with regard to terrorism or natural disasters, like Fukushima (or in Ukraine, which almost became a calamity in the war with Russia).

If done really well and safely, like in France, it can provide clean power for everyone - and power that isn't subject to the variations in energy supply that are a major issue for wind and solar - but he also fails to mention that much of the supply issue can be overcome with modern battery storage technologies and supply automation. But even if done well, nuclear will always hold risks that none of the other energy technologies have. He's also becoming quite political, criticizing "wokeness" and critical race theory, which he's welcome to do, but those actions weaken his "cred" on energy, making him appear to be very politically motivated.
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Back to the topic at hand. . . . (a lot more in the article, but the short of it is the lawsuit seems to have no merit):

"Save Long Beach Island's lawsuit to halt wind farms off the coast here is in jeopardy of being tossed from a federal district court in Washingtonn D.C.

U.S. District Court Judge Dabney Friedrich granted the defendants' motion to dismiss the case on March 9. However, she also allowed Save LBI's request to submit an amended complaint. She gave the group 30 days to make the amendment or the case will be closed. The group has 2½ weeks left to do so."


"Stern, a retired former U.S. Department of Energy employee who's lived on LBI for 50 years, filed the lawsuit almost a year prior to the spate of recent whale deaths that has riled up political debate against the wind farms."

Offshore windfarms do not kill cetaceans. If they did, we'd have seen evidence of this over the last 30 years in Europe and we have not, to my knowledge. There certainly does appear to be something going on with the significant increase in deaths/beachings of these animals, although clearly, the lack of windfarms off the NJ coast certainly means that these can't be the source of marine animal deaths along the NJ coast, to date. Would love to know what the root cause is, though.
Clarification seems to be hard to come by. Did I back you into a corner on this one? The nitwit cost 13 America soldiers lives and will we ever know how many lost lives that helped Americans over the years? I was 100% for getting out of Afghanistan, just not the way the nitwit decided to pull it off and make no mistake, that was his call. You say I'm stupid, but I left Mr. Know it all tongue tied with an explanation on the Afghanistan withdrawal. I'll sitback and watch you blame Trump. Let's hear of the days leading up to that horrible day, amazed how you describe that disgusting day as "the first bit", sickening if the truth be told. Why is it always after the fact, when things go wrong, it's Trump's policies? Why isn't the nitwit out in front of the problem with corrections to these policies? Is his administration just lazy or do they just leave well enough alone until something blows up and default to "it's Trump's fault. We are 3 years into this $hitshow and Trump should be in the rearview mirror as a fall back excuse. People are on to the bullcrap. Just once I'd like to see Biden go to the mic,look at the screen and say,"'I knew this policy was wrong and I should have changed it before this happened, and that's on me. That's of course if he actually is allowed to take questions and not told to walk away seeing the back of his head. Even MSM is annoyed, after all is said and done, they still have stories to write. Oh, my bad, there's always Trump.

I guarantee you this is the very first instance in which you have complained about 13 dead U.S. soldiers.

The withdrawal was a clusterf*ck. Guess what - ALL major troop withdrawals are clusterf*cks. The fact that you weren't alive during the fall of Saigon deprives you of that context.

I'm going to block you now. Your posts are really, really hard to read and they kinda make my brain hurt.
  • Haha
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I guarantee you this is the very first instance in which you have complained about 13 dead U.S. soldiers.

The withdrawal was a clusterf*ck. Guess what - ALL major troop withdrawals are clusterf*cks. The fact that you weren't alive during the fall of Saigon deprives you of that context.

I'm going to block you now. Your posts are really, really hard to read and they kinda make my brain hurt.
I made that brain hurt because you shot off a statement with no way to back it up. You shouldn't come a knocking if you plan to run and hide when some questions are too tough to handle. What makes my brain hurt is you tried to turn that around and blame Trump. What do you know about my feelings on 13 dead US soldiers? Do you know anything about my family history in the military? All major troop withdrawals? Pretty sure WW1 and WW2 didn't end as pathetic as Joe Joe's fiasco. Wasn't alive at that time? I was 20 years old, Ace. I clearly remember the helicopter rescues and the iconic photo of the last one evacuated off that roof top. You are willing to give Joe Joe a pass, but not using campaign funds to pay off a bimbo porn star, instead of using it to buy a fake Russian collusion story, Hillary style yea, ok.
Waving Kamala Harris GIF
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I made that brain hurt because you shot off a statement with no way to back it up. You shouldn't come a knocking if you plan to run and hide when some questions are too tough to handle. What makes my brain hurt is you tried to turn that around and blame Trump. What do you know about my feelings on 13 dead US soldiers? Do you know anything about my family history in the military? All major troop withdrawals? Pretty sure WW1 and WW2 didn't end as pathetic as Joe Joe's fiasco. Wasn't alive at that time? I was 20 years old, Ace. I clearly remember the helicopter rescues and the iconic photo of the last one evacuated off that roof top. You are willing to give Joe Joe a pass, but not using campaign funds to pay off a bimbo porn star, instead of using it to buy a fake Russian collusion story, Hillary style yea, ok.
Waving Kamala Harris GIF
TDS is strong with many unfortunately. No rational person can be happy with the left unless they lack the ability to be objective. Once anyone shoots back with Trump, you already know they are driven by ideology instead of reason. Never forget, 'the world is full of educated derelicts'

we've a lot of educated derelicts here
TDS is strong with many unfortunately. No rational person can be happy with the left unless they lack the ability to be objective. Once anyone shoots back with Trump, you already know they are driven by ideology instead of reason. Never forget, 'the world is full of educated derelicts'

we've a lot of educated derelicts here

Self-identifying? That's a bit of a course correction for you. 😉
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TDS is strong with many unfortunately. No rational person can be happy with the left unless they lack the ability to be objective. Once anyone shoots back with Trump, you already know they are driven by ideology instead of reason. Never forget, 'the world is full of educated derelicts'

we've a lot of educated derelicts here
The CE nerds will literally gravitate to any thread they can to argue. What a sad group of people. Imagine dedicating so much effort to arguing on the internet 😂😂😂
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I made that brain hurt because you shot off a statement with no way to back it up. You shouldn't come a knocking if you plan to run and hide when some questions are too tough to handle. What makes my brain hurt is you tried to turn that around and blame Trump. What do you know about my feelings on 13 dead US soldiers? Do you know anything about my family history in the military? All major troop withdrawals? Pretty sure WW1 and WW2 didn't end as pathetic as Joe Joe's fiasco. Wasn't alive at that time? I was 20 years old, Ace. I clearly remember the helicopter rescues and the iconic photo of the last one evacuated off that roof top. You are willing to give Joe Joe a pass, but not using campaign funds to pay off a bimbo porn star, instead of using it to buy a fake Russian collusion story, Hillary style yea, ok.
Waving Kamala Harris GIF
winner GIF
Offshore windfarms do not kill cetaceans. If they did, we'd have seen evidence of this over the last 30 years in Europe and we have not, to my knowledge. There certainly does appear to be something going on with the significant increase in deaths/beachings of these animals, although clearly, the lack of windfarms off the NJ coast certainly means that these can't be the source of marine animal deaths along the NJ coast, to date. Would love to know what the root cause is, though.
Will revert back to this, which I posted earlier in this thread, and is a great song with hidden meanings, and which I'm sure you have listened to--it's gotta be the drunk drivers killing the whales!! Yeah, that's it!!!:

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TDS is strong with many unfortunately. No rational person can be happy with the left unless they lack the ability to be objective. Once anyone shoots back with Trump, you already know they are driven by ideology instead of reason. Never forget, 'the world is full of educated derelicts'

we've a lot of educated derelicts here
What a dumb and laughably politically-obsessed post.

There are tons of Republicans who disliked Trump as president and/or dislike Trump the person. That obviously isn't ideological and has nothing to do with "the left".

My favorite two presidents in US history happen to both be Republican. My least favorite president, and by a YUGE margin, was Trump, who claims to be Republican.

Ideology. 🤣
sad but yes it's very true

most of this board is on ignore given how ignorant the cognitive processes are. We've got bigots in abundance and funny that they don't see it. You'll rarely get a good informative discussion. It is fun to watch the mental gymnastics to justify the untruths
It's amusing to see some old conservatives or "moderates" go through reassignment surgery and transition to full nutty libs.
Will revert back to this, which I posted earlier in this thread, and is a great song with hidden meanings, and which I'm sure you have listened to--it's gotta be the drunk drivers killing the whales!! Yeah, that's it!!!:

One of my favorite songs - CSH is also a great live band. Personally, I think the whales are simply trying to escape the not-so-extinct Megalodon and end up getting beached...
Echo chamber talking points come here to die

They don't die.

As we've seen the people who repeat "muh whales" repeat the same (long debunked including by over 60 courts) lies on a variety of topics. They repeat them in the CEsspool, Twitter, etc.

Their heroic media is being sued for defamation and they still repeat the lies at issue there.

They just make up their own reality because the fact that the public has rejected them is too harsh a reality to bear.
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Self-identifying? That's a bit of a course correction for you. 😉

The next few weeks are going to be very, very hard for them. We should probably try to be charitable.

At least encourage the Moms of the CEsspool to not pay for bus fare to lower Manhattan.
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I made that brain hurt because you shot off a statement with no way to back it up. You shouldn't come a knocking if you plan to run and hide when some questions are too tough to handle. What makes my brain hurt is you tried to turn that around and blame Trump. What do you know about my feelings on 13 dead US soldiers? Do you know anything about my family history in the military? All major troop withdrawals? Pretty sure WW1 and WW2 didn't end as pathetic as Joe Joe's fiasco. Wasn't alive at that time? I was 20 years old, Ace. I clearly remember the helicopter rescues and the iconic photo of the last one evacuated off that roof top. You are willing to give Joe Joe a pass, but not using campaign funds to pay off a bimbo porn star, instead of using it to buy a fake Russian collusion story, Hillary style yea, ok.
Waving Kamala Harris GIF
He didn't blame Trump for the chaotic withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan, just the fact that that withdrawal was set up by his predecessor. And to compare it to WWI or WWII is laughable, since those were wars we won, as opposed to Vietnam and Afghanistan, where we were withdrawing in the midst of government collapse, surrounded by bad guys (hint - @RU4Real was not referring to withdrawals after a win). And the withdrawal from Afghanistan would likely have been similarly bad under Trump, Biden or any president, so while Biden shouldn't get a "pass" per se, to not expect some carnage and tragedy with that withdrawal is to be ignorant of the situation.
sad but yes it's very true

most of this board is on ignore given how ignorant the cognitive processes are. We've got bigots in abundance and funny that they don't see it. You'll rarely get a good informative discussion. It is fun to watch the mental gymnastics to justify the untruths
Seriously? 🤣

I think you just broke the Lack of Self-Awareness meter. 😉

Although, to be fair, you're right that you don't perform any mental gymnastics at all. You just state some bit of highly opinionated critique without ever making any attempt to support it with logic or fact. And that's hardly even mental crawling let alone gymnastics.

So at least you aren't being hypocritical about that part. 👍
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It's amusing to see some old conservatives or "moderates" go through reassignment surgery and transition to full nutty libs.
lol true

I rarely jump in these threads any longer. I like numbers weather threads and investment threads now. Even the football has gone full retard with RutgersAl syndrome infecting too many people.
Again - another perfect example. NOBODY is "coming after gas stoves". That's stupid. You've been told by Hannity and Tucker that it's true, so you believe it.

The Afghanistan withdrawal was agreed to by Trump. It was his plan, ideally timed so that the execution would take place in '21. There's video of Pompeo signing the agreement with the Taliban. Biden's only recourse upon taking office would have been to not honor the treaty. That would have escalated hostilities and required additional U.S. boots on the ground, which would have resulted in additional loss of life.

That's the simple explanation. If you really want to understand the nuance you can sign up for my class.
Clarification seems to be hard to come by. Did I back you into a corner on this one? The nitwit cost 13 America soldiers lives and will we ever know how many lost lives that helped Americans over the years? I was 100% for getting out of Afghanistan, just not the way the nitwit decided to pull it off and make no mistake, that was his call. You say I'm stupid, but I left Mr. Know it all tongue tied with an explanation on the Afghanistan withdrawal. I'll sitback and watch you blame Trump. Let's hear of the days leading up to that horrible day, amazed how you describe that disgusting day as "the first bit", sickening if the truth be told. Why is it always after the fact, when things go wrong, it's Trump's policies? Why isn't the nitwit out in front of the problem with corrections to these policies? Is his administration just lazy or do they just leave well enough alone until something blows up and default to "it's Trump's fault. We are 3 years into this $hitshow and Trump should be in the rearview mirror as a fall back excuse. People are on to the bullcrap. Just once I'd like to see Biden go to the mic,look at the screen and say,"'I knew this policy was wrong and I should have changed it before this happened, and that's on me. That's of course if he actually is allowed to take questions and not told to walk away seeing the back of his head. Even MSM is annoyed, after all is said and done, they still have stories to write. Oh, my bad, there's always Trump.
This board has reached a new low. Defending Biden's withdrawal, the unnecessary deaths it directly led to as well as the $7B in military gear he gave to the enemy is mind blowing. This marks the end of rational discourse.
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