Thanks for your kind offer. I just got back home from a five-day AT section, now having covered the trail up to Mile 677.7 (northbound mileage), which is VA-42/Newport, Virginia. Portions of the trail there weave across the VA-WV state line.
Nice section, but the heat of summer is kicking in, and lots of blowdowns and overgrowth made it extra challenging. My last day (yesterday) covered 25 miles! And a 10-mile stretch of trail didn't have any water sources. In that situation, the best "trail magic" is a water and Gatorade cache. Electrolyte supplements are essential, for sure. Unfortunately, no trail magic at those road crossings yesterday.
My intent is to make my way up north, gradually, and eventually hike the whole trail. This summer I was looking at covering up to Harpers Ferry WV. We'll see. I've become a "fair weather" hiker, of late. While hiking in rain is ok for a day (especially a warm day), I'm not a fan of tenting a second consecutive night in rain. At that point, I retreat off trail to a motel to dry out. Thunderstorms are avoided at all costs. Nothing like being up on an exposed elevated ridge in lightning. So I look for a five-day fair-weather window when planning a section now.
PA, as you may know, is lovingly referred to by hikers as "Rocksylvania" as the northern section of the trail in PA is blanketed in rocks. Extra tough on the feet and ankles.