This series with the Red Sox highlighted that both teams have a corp of exciting young players who will carry them for years.
Sheeze! Who do you think you are, kbee in the Mets thread?

So tell us how many Yankees fans cried to the moderators about the Big Bad Mets fans raining on their thread and how many Mets fans were prevented from posting in this thread.
Yeah....that's what I thought.

Can someone get kbee's pacifier?
I heard this morning that last night's home run off Chapman was the first by a left-handed hitter in six years. That's crazy if I heard it right.
You are playing the jv team, half team on DL and other half was sold
Can't believe they were sellers at the deadline since the future was so bright. At least that's what you told us.
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Can't believe they were sellers at the deadline since the future was so bright. At least that's what you told us.
The selling part this season is to get rid of high-priced, under-performing talent and bring up young talent.
While not initially on board, unloading Jay Bruce was smart. They have Cespedes and Conforto. Grandy and Lagares are OK 3rd OFs.
Duda was unloaded to make room for Dominic Smith--we'll see if he turns into a player.
Reed was not worth the money he was being paid.

So, agree with your statement, the future looks fairly bright, provided at least 2 or 3 of Harvey, Wheeler, Matz and Thor can come back and pitch well. They still can use a power hitter in the infield.
The selling part this season is to get rid of high-priced, under-performing talent and bring up young talent.
While not initially on board, unloading Jay Bruce was smart. They have Cespedes and Conforto. Grandy and Lagares are OK 3rd OFs.
Duda was unloaded to make room for Dominic Smith--we'll see if he turns into a player.
Reed was not worth the money he was being paid.

So, agree with your statement, the future looks fairly bright, provided at least 2 or 3 of Harvey, Wheeler, Matz and Thor can come back and pitch well. They still can use a power hitter in the infield.

I don't know who this Thor is, but I checked the stats for this season.
Harvey 5.25 4-3
Wheeler 5.21 3-7
Matz 5.54 2-6
Good luck with that.
I don't know who this Thor is, but I checked the stats for this season.
Harvey 5.25 4-3
Wheeler 5.21 3-7
Matz 5.54 2-6
Good luck with that.
But, but, but, they are the greatest starting rotation of all-time!
So everyone starts chirping because they beat the Mets, but that was after dropping 2 to the division leading Red Sox. Priceless.
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No one said that. Are they underperforming mainly due to injury? Absolutely

1. I know loads of Mets fans that thought they were going into the season with one of the best 5-man rotations ever.
2. Maybe the +5 ERAs this year indicate that they are no longer the pitchers they once were or at least Mets fans thought they were gonna be.
No one said that. Are they underperforming mainly due to injury? Absolutely
Left off deGrom, who is the most solid pitcher in the rotation. Thor was right behind him with a 3.29 ERA. Matz, Harvey, and Wheeler are all concerning this year. Harvey seems to be a head case in addition to his injuries.
1. I know loads of Mets fans that thought they were going into the season with one of the best 5-man rotations ever.
2. Maybe the +5 ERAs this year indicate that they are no longer the pitchers they once were or at least Mets fans thought they were gonna be.
Easy to write off pitchers coming off of injury. Get back to me in a year. Now if Harvey's issues have nothing to do with injuries and more about him being a head case well then .....
Still trying to blame injuries, uh? Perhaps they just aren't that good.
Has already been discussed numerous times the two types of injuries Harvey has had are very difficult to come back from. If his numbers were much better pre injury then open your eyes and see that inhpjuries do play a part in this. Not blaming just stating the facts. Again I will give each player a full year after they get back from surgery before I say they "aren't that good"
The future is bright, just tweaking roster. Those sold were free agents who we were not signing. I did want Bruce. Mets traded for a reliever to go with familia so we are set there going forward. Conforto is a star, yes better than any yankee. Rosario is our Jeter but with more skills. We need a catcher and 3rd base. We have money coming off books and will be ready to battle next yr. injuries killed this yr. opps there goes another pass ball by sanchez

I hate to beat a dead horse, but the Mets aren't a .500 team yet.

To be clear, this post is only for the Met fan that wouldn't post until they were .500+.
(TMCB, look in the mirror, he means you.)

The rest is fan banter that I expect from fans of cross town teams.
The future is bright, just tweaking roster. Those sold were free agents who we were not signing. I did want Bruce. Mets traded for a reliever to go with familia so we are set there going forward. Conforto is a star, yes better than any yankee. Rosario is our Jeter but with more skills. We need a catcher and 3rd base. We have money coming off books and will be ready to battle next yr. injuries killed this yr. opps there goes another pass ball by sanchez

The Mets did horribly in their trades the past few weeks. Embarrassment of a franchise. The ownership and front office are completely incompetent. And the Met What a delusional bunch. The Yankees are a much better franchise than the Mets and they always will be.
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Chapman did have a nice pitch to that rookie, right over the fence.

You realize how sad it is that you have to boast about another teams accomplishments right? The Mets are so pathetic right now you have to resort to something a player on the Red Sox did to make you feel better. Wow.
How about last night? Wait....are you serious? Who won the game last night?

If you had suffered through as much losing as a Mets fan has you'd understand why they can enjoy "big moments" in a game they lost.
1986 was soooo long ago.
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If you had suffered through as much losing as a Mets fan has you'd understand why they can enjoy "big moments" in a game they lost.
1986 was soooo long ago.
Dude seriously we are all RUTGERS FANS who know what it is like to be a long suffering fans. No need to play that card.