OT: Police activity on Voorhees mall

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Yes. That’s unfortunately what protesting is…

Again..I don’t agree with the protestors at all..but was handled well by both sides
I get what you are saying and I havent read much on the whole protest, so I'll take your word on it...
This concessions were not about anybody’s family members. So no, that’s not what anybody is telling you.
I never said anybody told me that..but if someone can protest and get scholarships awarded, I guess it's possible to score a few for the fam...I will admit, I responded before I saw the words "displaced Gazan students" in the demand.
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All good. Again..I drove this afternoon being in town..and those saying it was “disruptive and violent” have absolutely no clue what they’re talking about.
Well, the protests did disrupt some final exams which would’ve been irritating to a bunch of students many of whom who were likely uninvolved bystanders. But a protest that causes no disruptions is probably gonna be a failed protest.
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Well, the protests did disrupt some final exams which would’ve been irritating to a bunch of students who would have likely been annoyed by it. But a protest that causes no disruptions is probably gonna be a failed protest.

True. But again, that’s only because outside agitators came in this morning.

But yes…did cause charges to exams. But more out of an abundance of caution
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I wonder if the people who feel this wasn’t a peaceful protest can provide an example of a peaceful protest.
A protest can be peaceful (I'm not saying it was or it wasn't) and still not be justified. And negotiating with figurative terrorists is how you invite more bad behavior. This university still hasn't recovered from Fran Lawrence letting those dopes sit on the court at halftime of the UMass game in 1995.
That sets a precedent for anyone in the future to protest something. Get a big enough group and RU will cave in. I'm curious to see what eight of ten Rutgers conceded. Are you telling me if I get a big enough group and raise enough stink, I can get the next 10 family members a scholarship to Rutgers? Sign me up.

Are you telling me you didn't fkn read the statement before complaining?

As for your family members, RU'll look into that.
A protest can be peaceful (I'm not saying it was or it wasn't) and still not be justified. And negotiating with figurative terrorists is how you invite more bad behavior.
You’re saying the protestors were figurative terrorists? I don’t see the protestors at RU as terrorists of any kind.

Here’s a reasonable definition of terrorism:

“The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.”

These protestors were non-violent, and didn’t appear to be particularly intimidating. And apparently didn’t break any laws.
You’re saying the protestors were figurative terrorists? I don’t see the protestors at RU as terrorists of any kind.

Here’s a reasonable definition of terrorism:

“The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.”

These protestors were non-violent, and didn’t appear to be particularly intimidating. And apparently didn’t break any laws.
"However, we were disappointed to learn that overnight, Students for Justice in Palestine called for a significant rally on the Voorhees Mall, coinciding with the beginning of the exam period, specifically intended to disrupt finals for our students. Buildings surrounding Voorhees Mall are the site of hundreds of exams during the finals period, and students are rightly concerned about their ability to take exams in this environment.

The morning rally disrupted 28 scheduled exams, impacting more than 1,000 students. While the protesters eventually responded to our request to cease their disruption, the disruption adversely impacted our students and University operations and forced our postponement announcement."

Every person who participated should be expelled or fired.
were you there? Was in NB earlier today snd drove by…looked like any other Thursday on campus. Reminded me of when students made a tent state protest years totally disagree about disruptive ..and trampling rights of students…

Again, no idea about antisemitism. But as far as breaking any laws..they didn’t.
Not saying I walked through there but had no issues coming and going over the past couple of two days. T2K is a partisan clown who likes to stir the pot and was likely nowhere near NB.
Not saying I walked through there but had no issues coming and going over the past couple of two days. T2K is a partisan clown who likes to stir the pot and was likely nowhere near NB.

No clue if he’s a clown or not..but 100% partisan. someone who drove through the area this afternoon. No disruption of campus life and no violence that I saw.
"However, we were disappointed to learn that overnight, Students for Justice in Palestine called for a significant rally on the Voorhees Mall, coinciding with the beginning of the exam period, specifically intended to disrupt finals for our students. Buildings surrounding Voorhees Mall are the site of hundreds of exams during the finals period, and students are rightly concerned about their ability to take exams in this environment.

The morning rally disrupted 28 scheduled exams, impacting more than 1,000 students. While the protesters eventually responded to our request to cease their disruption, the disruption adversely impacted our students and University operations and forced our postponement announcement."

Every person who participated should be expelled or fired.
Disrupted exams. Oh the horror.
Pretty weird that the same crew complaining non-stop for days and weeks about these protests are the ones angry they ended.
For some, the ongoing protests are useful for unrelated purposes. They will surely be disappointed not to have them to leverage for those purposes.
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I get what you are saying and I havent read much on the whole protest, so I'll take your word on it...
That didn’t stop you from spouting off earlier.

Everybody breathe and observe the facts of what actually happened.

Think for yourselves…stop jumping to the conclusion you so desperately want to be true.
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For some, the ongoing protests are useful for unrelated purposes. They will surely be disappointed not to have them to leverage for those purposes.
The student protesters had no intention staying through the summer. Come September/October they’ll see the lack of progress made on their demands and the tents will go right back up. Just in time for the election.
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This is yet another example of why I’ve personally “divested” from this university. I had a good four years at Rutgers many years ago, but I have no connection to it any longer. I don’t live in New Jersey. Now, I only follow the football and basketball teams. If Rutgers fell into the Raritan, I wouldn’t miss it. I can always find other teams to root for.

So dramatic
This is yet another example of why I’ve personally “divested” from this university. I had a good four years at Rutgers many years ago, but I have no connection to it any longer. I don’t live in New Jersey. Now, I only follow the football and basketball teams. If Rutgers fell into the Raritan, I wouldn’t miss it. I can always find other teams to root for.

You seem like you do still have a connection to it if you’re still following the football and basketball teams…no?
You do understand the concept of free speech. right ?
What does criminal law or school policy have to do with the peaceful protests being justified ?
You don't have the right to disrupt (even through noise; even if you are speaking the noise) college exams. It's no different than if the KKK decided they wanted to get 25 guys with megaphones and put them outside Scott Hall while the African American Studies Department was holding its final. Sorry, the First Amendment is subject to time, place and manner restrictions (and has been for decades).

These A-holes set out to prevent their fellow students from taking their exams because, like most toddlers, they have learned that screaming and yelling and throwing a fit is the easier way to get mom and dad to give in. Doesn't make it legal. Doesn't make it conform to school policy.

Our university president is a dipshit. Surprise!!!! (to absolutely no one that has been affiliated in some way with the university for the last 40 years minimum).
The student protesters had no intention staying through the summer. Come September/October they’ll see the lack of progress made on their demands and the tents will go right back up. Just in time for the election.
Wait?!?!? You mean we are scheduled again for the every-four-years national pants defacation? I find that hard to believe. It's not like it didn't happen four years ago (George Floyd) ... and eight years ago (Anti-Trump) ... and twelve years ago (Occupy Wall Street) ... and sixteen years ago (MacArthur Park violence).

Give it two months and they will all remember how much they want to protest in Target and Wal-Mart. And that there are some statues somewhere of a guy who farted in bed once that clearly need to be destroyed.
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The student protesters had no intention staying through the summer. Come September/October they’ll see the lack of progress made on their demands and the tents will go right back up. Just in time for the election.
You don't have the right to disrupt (even through noise; even if you are speaking the noise) college exams. It's no different than if the KKK decided they wanted to get 25 guys with megaphones and put them outside Scott Hall while the African American Studies Department was holding its final. Sorry, the First Amendment is subject to time, place and manner restrictions (and has been for decades).

These A-holes set out to prevent their fellow students from taking their exams because, like most toddlers, they have learned that screaming and yelling and throwing a fit is the easier way to get mom and dad to give in. Doesn't make it legal. Doesn't make it conform to school policy.

Our university president is a dipshit. Surprise!!!! (to absolutely no one that has been affiliated in some way with the university for the last 40 years minimum).

They were unsuccessful if you believe there goal was to “prevent their fellow students from taking their exams”..since what??? Like 1% of total exams were affected?

Again, great job by administration.
I would have agreed to what the school did as well. But I would slow walk them, wait till the flavor of the week ends for these college kids, then forget we ever had this discussion. Nobody's going to give a sh*t about the people of Gaza(if they even do now) by next year.
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That didn’t stop you from spouting off earlier.

Everybody breathe and observe the facts of what actually happened.

Think for yourselves…stop jumping to the conclusion you so desperately want to be true.
Thinking for oneself is how/why we have so many fights today. People should inform themselves before doing their "thinking" and arguing.
Wait?!?!? You mean we are scheduled again for the every-four-years national pants defacation? I find that hard to believe. It's not like it didn't happen four years ago (George Floyd) ... and eight years ago (Anti-Trump) ... and twelve years ago (Occupy Wall Street) ... and sixteen years ago (MacArthur Park violence).

Give it two months and they will all remember how much they want to protest in Target and Wal-Mart. And that there are some statues somewhere of a guy who farted in bed once that clearly need to be destroyed.

My go-to is normally "a guy who farted in the frozen foods aisle" but I appreciate this new spin with the man in bed and it only happening once.
I would have agree to what the school did as well. But I would slow walk them, wait till the flavor of the week ends for these college kids, then forget we ever had this discussion. Nobody's going to give a sh*t about the people of Gaza(if they even do know) by next year.
Agree. Last exams are May 8th and the dorms are closing. Most students are leaving campus this weekend and it is already fairly empty. By the time September rolls around who knows what new war or issue will be going on around the world. RU handled this well.
That’s how I see it, too. The concessions were harmless and could even be beneficial to everyone.

Some should have been made without protest. Students from my alma mater set up a go fund me page to finance the few Ukrainian students and help get their families out of harm's way when Russia invaded and let the alumni know about it. Problem solved.
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