Negative ! Each graduate will get 4 tickets 3 for guests one for themselves . 4 tickets times 12,000 students = 48,000.
IMPORTANT COMMENCEMENT UPDATE: All Rutgers University-New Brunswick and Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences graduates who have already registered for the May 15 commencement ceremony will receive one ticket for themselves plus three guest tickets and one parking pass. The tickets will be barcoded and will not be transferrable. Ticket holders will be required to have photo identification, and all guests must have a ticket regardless of age. While the limit to three guests at the stadium is a change from past practice, it ensures that every graduating student from Rutgers University–New Brunswick and from Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences is accommodated. Those graduates who have already registered for their parking pass will be notified when the ticket registration system is open.
Please be aware that Rutgers will be providing viewing sites at other venues—the College Avenue, Livingston, and Busch Student Centers, for example—for additional guests.
Graduates and undergraduates from Rutgers University-Newark and Rutgers University-Camden are being invited to attend the May 15 ceremony. The university is chartering special NJ Transit trains to bring graduates from both locations.
Rutgers University-Newark and Rutgers University-Camden students will continue to graduate with their classmates at those locations.
If you have not already made arrangements for your regalia, please do so immediately. All graduates must wear regalia to be on the field during Commencement.
Further details about the event will be available the week of May 9.