Way OT: What to do with a dead hawk?

His offspring have read your comments and are planning their revenge.

I think the hawks were getting stuffed for much cheaper at koleszar's place!
Let the bastards come. We're ready

My ground Army is now groomed(took 2 years) to interact with the chickens. I have two Great Pyrenees tanks which have implemented a no fly zone and are on border control.

My Air Force of nesting crows has now landed on our air strip for aerial combat.(My wife thought I was nuts with decoys and plates of food for 3 years, finally they have arrived)

My disposal unit of Kune Kune pigs is now of age to clean up the battlefield of the dead.

We've been getting our asses kicked for years in this war. But our combined forces are finally ready for combat this winter. O yea, bring it on Fox and Hawk brigades. My boys are going to kick some ass.
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Let the bastards come. We're ready

We've been getting our asses kicked for years in this war. But our combined forces are finally ready for combat this winter. O yea, bring it on Fox and Hawk brigades. My boys are going to kick some ass.
I've heard they're bringing in some heavy artillery!


And not just a single piece:

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I've heard they're bringing in some heavy artillery!


And not just a single piece:

Those are some heavy hitters there. But these are my Tiger Tanks:

O, I forgot to mention my dogs are breed to take down your pack of artillery.:)
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people seriously bury dead wildlife? Do you sit shiva for it & put a note in the paper on the anniversary?

Shovel it into the street, wait for the turkey buzzards, and let the circle of life continue.
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people seriously bury dead wildlife? Do you sit shiva for it & put a note in the paper on the anniversary?

Shovel it into the street, wait for the turkey buzzards, and let the circle of life continue.
Most animal lovers would bury it. Only savages would kick a carcass into the street to decay or be eaten.
Most animal lovers would bury it. Only savages would kick a carcass into the street to decay or be eaten.
Well, if it's not at least 4 feet deep (good luck after two weeks of sub 20 degree weather), some other animal is going to dig it up and eat it. Which I found out the hard way when my dog died when I was a teenager.
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Well, if it's not at least 4 feet deep (good luck after two weeks of sub 20 degree weather), some other animal is going to dig it up and eat it. Which I found out the hard way when my dog died when I was a teenager.
See you are an animal lover and not a savage.:)
Well, to put a bow on this thread, thanks for all the responses. Enjoyed the expected attempts at humor, Monty Python references, etc. No burial, since my Corgi mix would make it her life's goal to unearth it, plus the ground is frozen. Let's just say it's been returned to the ecosystem nearby.
Set it out in an open space (park, golf course, back yard) so the scavengers will see it and consume it. They are part of natures cycle and need to eat too! No muss no fuss!
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Figured it was worth asking since this board is usually great for suggestions.

I came home today to find a dead hawk in my driveway. Not sure how it got there, but it's in perfect condition, like it just dropped out of the sky. Animal control told me they would take it away for $150 or I could just shovel it up and throw it out. That doesn't seem right. Knowing that places like the Trailside Nature Center in Mountainside has a large collection of taxidermied animals that are mostly collected roadkill, I was thinking maybe I could donate it somewhere. I'm going to start by calling there in the morning.

Any other suggestions? Someone mentioned the Raptor Trust, but that seems more a rehab place, and this thing is definitely beyond help. It's sitting frozen in my garage, but won't last very long with the coming warmer weather.

Put him in a long boat, row him sober?
Set it out in an open space (park, golf course, back yard) so the scavengers will see it and consume it. They are part of natures cycle and need to eat too! No muss no fuss!

Its an election year so it should be registered to vote first.

On a side area is full of raptors now, and I've learned nothing is too dead and nasty not to be eaten. I also see quite a few dead raptors too. Sometimes they are too quick and agile for their own good and crash into things while on wild chases.
Put him in a long boat, row him sober? Oh wait, that's a drunken sailor = Never mind,