Our lineup next year and my predictions on where they will finish ...
125: Suriano/Mackall ... Suriano will be a finalist, if not win it all. Mackall will be boardline NCAA qualifier. Either definite AA or no AA, depending on the guy.
133: DelVecchio ... He's a blood round guy, just like last year, so possible AA.
141: Ashnault .. He's a semifinalist like he is every year. He'll likely lose to Heil, like he does every year. At that point, finishing 3rd or 6th doesn't really matter. Definite AA.
149: M. Van Brill / E. DeLuca ... Van Brill beat Kevin Jack this offseason in freestyle, so he's no slouch. That being said, we're looking at nationals for both, but nowhere near AA.
157: Lewis / Glasgow ... Lewis is a possible semifinalist in my mind, but unlike Ash he doesn't have the stigma of "can't beat Heil" in his head. Glasgow is our best recruit since Ash and will redshirt. Either way, AA there.
165: Grello / J. Van Brill ... both could make nationals, neither will AA
174: Pagano ... will make nationals, will not AA.
184: Gravina ... like DelVecc, a blood round guy who only didn't AA last year because he was wrestling injured the whole tournament. Very likely AA if healthy.
197: Mulligan/Correnti ... will make nationals, barely, will not AA. I'd love to be wrong here and they have a strong year.
285: Gross ... will make nationals, will not AA. But his style is perfect for nationals. 2-1 victories and not coming in cold the whole year wrestling for the first time since HS. Gross will surprise some guys this year. Maybe not Snyder, haha, but some guys.
Anyway, I have 125 (w/ Suriano), 133, 141, 157, and 184 making AA this year. Three semifinalists with Suriano. Which is heads and tails better than we've ever done before.