Pawrestling, my response was about the RU program in general compared to elite, top 5 programs. So, this is my last response to you, because I know how twisting words is an art form and you guys seem to do it for sport to prove a point. I know we have elite wrestlers on R team. I follow R team very closely and appreciate the fact you do as well. Nick lost 2 matches in the regular season in the 2 years he was here. 1 was controversial. It just happens to be in a row. Ash is 16-0 this year so far. Often recruits see the entirety, not just the end result which has yet to be determined. Otherwise, they’d all just only go to Nat Champ teams, no? They can’t take them all! There are other factors recruits want as well, no? Close to home, away from home (a NJ tendency), facilities, resident athletes (who will I wrestle with), relationship/connection with coaches, academics, Olympic aspirations, mentoring, life after wrestling, etc. That’s where we all compete for recruits. RU is catching up quickly on some areas it was severely lacking and it still got those elite recruits. No one wants this more then RU and these athletes. It’s a tremendous amount of pressure.
Also, how much do you pay Cael? PSU, a Public State University, isn’t transparent by PA Law so I can’t find any of those records. That takes m-o-n-e-y. And, he has to pay his assistants handsomely which goes a looooooong way in State College as compared to somewhere like a metropolitan area to live. Money matters is my point.
To NikoRU09’s point, RU is also working with one (both) hand(s) behind its back. We are in the BIG, new to it, up against several blue bloods, with very limited funds to begin with and not fully funded by the BIG. Yet, we are competing and in the Top 10-15 range. Not too shabby. I like the direction where we are and long as it keeps moving forward. I get impatient at times. I’m a Rutgers’ fan after all. It’s about perspective though.
Go RU!