I am not hedging my bets. It would be disappointing to not make the playoffs but unless I missed something we are still comfortably in the playoffs and we are very young. Our future is bright and we are staring at another 10 year run. Don't be angry with us because the Mets run is done already and pretty much amounted to nothing compared to expectations.
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I am not hedging my bets. It would be disappointing to not make the playoffs but unless I missed something we are still comfortably in the playoffs and we are very young. Our future is bright and we are staring at another 10 year run. Don't be angry with us because the Mets run is done already and pretty much amounted to nothing compared to expectations.
First off, check out the facts,as of RIGHT NOW, the Mets after becoming sellers, are the 3rd youngest roster in baseball,so don't chirp about how very young the Yankees are.I wouldn't bet the house on another 10 year run if I was you.
I view the Mets the way I do every team that's not the Yankees. If my team isn't in the playoffs, I don't care what they do either way. It does clear up my Facebook feed when they Mets lose early though.
I guess the same as Yankee fans going to the Mets board last season and touting the SF Giants,ya think? Should I name a list who did? nah, we all know who you are.Wait, maybe that was "fake" news, and never happened.

Yet you are still able to post in the Yankees thread.
Strange that some Yankees fans can't do the same in the mets thread.
Agreed. I rooted for the Mets to win the World Series a few years ago.

How'd that work out for you ?
That's gotta be rough....rooting for the mets.1986 was so long ago. I wonder how many mets fans here were even alive the last time the Amazins won the World Series.
I don't care if the Mets are younger. Who cares? We are young and good and we will be in top for a decade plus. I could give two craps what Mets fans think. You guys will be irrelevant. It is what it is.
How'd that work out for you ?
That's gotta be rough....rooting for the mets.1986 was so long ago. I wonder how many mets fans here were even alive the last time the Amazins won the World Series.
I think you are confused. I'm a Yankees fan since before my first game at old Yankees Stadium in 1973. My point was that I rooted for the Mets two years ago during their playoff run because it seemed like a fun team to watch with the young pitching. Unfortunately for them they couldn't capitalize on it. I just don't see why fans from both sides have to root so passionately against each other when the chance to meet in a Subway series is so small. And I already experienced a win in my lifetime. Sometimes I think this negative karma effects Rutgers football. I have the feeling our fan base would be as bad as the Miami fans back in the day if we ever became a big time team.
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First off, check out the facts,as of RIGHT NOW, the Mets after becoming sellers, are the 3rd youngest roster in baseball,so don't chirp about how very young the Yankees are.I wouldn't bet the house on another 10 year run if I was you.

As of right now the Mets are tied with the Tigers for the sixth worst record in MLB. Right now the Phillies have the youngest team in MLB, and they have the worst record. There is still time left in the season, maybe the Mets make a run at Philadelphia.
Gary Sanchez is the top pick of catchers in baseball. Any GM if they were given one pick for any catcher in baseball keeping in mind the combination of producing now and in the future he would be the pick. There is not even a close second.
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That is such bullspit.Expectations change during seasons. For the Mets, they became sellers because everything went wrong, and decisions were made during the off season to stand pat.Whether by Sandy or the Coupons it was wrong.As the Yankees season progressed, it became evident this team wasn't about 2018 or 2019, it was about this season. They became buyers for that reason. Don't try and sell it as anything but a major disappointment if they don't make the postseason, hardly an icing on the cake issue. Talk about hedging your bet.

While missing a wild card based on where we are at presently would certainly be a disappointment, it was never about this season. There is a reason the players we got were all signed for multiple years, and why no major prospects were given up to get them. Kahnle is signed through 2020 with arbitration, sonny gray is signed through 2019 and Robertson is signed for this year and next. Only Frazier was a one year deal, which is completely fine given the yanks infield prospects.
Gary Sanchez is the top pick of catchers in baseball. Any GM if they were given one pick for any catcher in baseball keeping in mind the combination of producing now and in the future he would be the pick. There is not even a close second.

Your words apparently inspired him tonight.
Tonight he looked like the guy who beat Stanton in Home Run Derby.
Sanchez is having an excellent offensive season for a catcher, especially with the bad start he had. I would expect a similar rough start for Judge next year, until he adjusts. I also think that Sanchez will improve his D and get rid of the yips that he's developed. His arm is too strong and he just needs to get back some confidence in his game.
I don't care if the Mets are younger. Who cares? We are young and good and we will be in top for a decade plus. I could give two craps what Mets fans think. You guys will be irrelevant. It is what it is.

I'll take our youth over there's in a nanosecond.
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Yanks 23 Tigers 5 through 17 innings the last 2 nights. Sanchez 5/11 with 7 RBI and 3 HR's (one almost 500 feet; 1 in 1st of each game). Nuts!
They play a boatload of crappy teams to end the season. Plus getting players off the DL.
Good teams beating up on weak ones late in season isn't exactly a shocker. Worst record in AL East is 60-66 making it (arguably) the best division in baseball top-to-bottom right now.
Didn't Yankee fans complain about other teams playing bottom feeders? Crowing about whooping the Tigers?

Go look at the Yankees remaining schedule. There's not one game vs. the Phillies.
Next week we play Cleveland and Boston. That tough enough for you ?
Stay classy Yankees,how many players will they lose to suspensions.Not the smartest thing to do when your in a pennant race and the team your exchanging bean balls with is playing out the string.
Stay classy Yankees,how many players will they lose to suspensions.Not the smartest thing to do when your in a pennant race and the team your exchanging bean balls with is playing out the string.
The Yanks can have a bench clearing brawl every game, collapse out of the playoff race, and suffer multiple key injuries..........and they will still be better than the Mets.

The Yanks can have a bench clearing brawl every game, collapse out of the playoff race, and suffer multiple key injuries..........and they will still be better than the Mets.


So true. And just think how much that's gotta hurt those Mets fans who were talking about five 20-game winners and taking over New York.
Now their focus is clearly on staying ahead of the Phillies.
Stay classy Yankees,how many players will they lose to suspensions.Not the smartest thing to do when your in a pennant race and the team your exchanging bean balls with is playing out the string.

Did you even watch what happened? The entire incident was started because the Tigers hit Sanchez after he wore them out all series and Miggie got a little sensitive about a purpose pitch. The Yanks don't historically fight so I loved it. This is a new group with some grit -- what they've been missing the last few years.
What a lame move to hit a guy just because he keeps hitting home runs off of your team.
So true. And just think how much that's gotta hurt those Mets fans who were talking about five 20-game winners and taking over New York.
Now their focus is clearly on staying ahead of the Phillies.
Generation K 2.0 was going to be the greatest rotation ever!
Stay classy Yankees,how many players will they lose to suspensions.Not the smartest thing to do when your in a pennant race and the team your exchanging bean balls with is playing out the string.

Lol. I love how Met fans continually come into this thread to embarrass themselves by offering ill-informed opinions. Why don't you just give up and save yourself the embarrassment? It's shocking at this point.
I think you are confused. I'm a Yankees fan since before my first game at old Yankees Stadium in 1973. My point was that I rooted for the Mets two years ago during their playoff run because it seemed like a fun team to watch with the young pitching. Unfortunately for them they couldn't capitalize on it. I just don't see why fans from both sides have to root so passionately against each other when the chance to meet in a Subway series is so small. And I already experienced a win in my lifetime. Sometimes I think this negative karma effects Rutgers football. I have the feeling our fan base would be as bad as the Miami fans back in the day if we ever became a big time team.

Are you kidding ?
Do you think that Cubs fans root for the White Sox ? Or better yet, ask an old time (baseball) Giants fan if any of them rooted for the Dodgers when they both played in New York. Or if either fan base also rooted for the Bronx Bombers.
Or even better, how many Jets fans root for the Giants ?
Now factor in that the Yankees have been the most successful baseball team with stars like Ruth, Gehrig, DiMaggio, Mantle, Maris, and Berra and the Mets have been.....well...the Mets.
There may be a few fans who root for the Yankees AND the Mets....but that's just weird.
Girardi is right with what he said at the post game presser. The umps lost total control of the game. Why don't they issue more warnings before they start tossing people? The Cabrera/Romine stuff was pretty nasty. It should have ended after that. I'm sure the MLB will come down hard on the guys involved, hopefully it isn't too bad.
Cabrera is a punk. Lost all respect for him. This was over. They threw at our best guy, we threw at theirs. And it didn't even hit him. Our guy got ejected and that was it. It should've ended there but Cabrera had to be a tough guy and get in our catchers face.