And today's 12Z GFS just made a ~50 mile further NW shift and is not far from a major snowstorm for our region with the 6" line roughly along the NJ TPK from SNJ to NYC and up to 10" towards the Shore and several inches NW of 95 - like all the other models right not, it crushes the eastern half of LI and all of SE New England with over a foot of snow. The chances of a significant snowstorm for our area are nudging up. CMC, UK and Euro on deck...
Edit: the 12Z CMC made a 50+ mile move NW and looks very similar to the 12Z GFS with the 6" line running from Philly to Newark, with more towards the coast and less inland, but a significant to major storm. And finally, the 12Z UK made about a 25 mile NW shift vs. last night and for the first time shows significant snow for the coast (3-5") and an inch or so along 95 - still the least snowy model. All of the models are looking much closer to the Euro bomb right now. Still a along way to go, but not as long and at least a moderate to significant and maybe major snowfall is looking more likely.
The one storm this somewhat resembles right now is Jan-2015, which ended up with a foot or more from NYC and points NE, but only 6-10" for 95 and towards the coast in NJ and only a couple of inches well NW of 95. If that had been the prediction for it, nobody would've blinked, but everyone was forecasting 1-2 feet of snow for the entire region (except TWC, which forcast a fair amount less).