Rutgers Adidas Uniforms Revealed then taken down

I think Addidas is going to work out well for us. They seem to be working hard on our image and gear.

I also see a huge trend in kids and 20 somethings picking up more and more addidas gear. I know i do on a regular basis.

Glad we switched, despite nike holding a majority market share, they did not value us whatsoever.
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Don't like RUTGERS across the chest either.
Right. These where awful



That uni up top was outstanding. The color was correct. And people knew who we were. "That is RUTGERS coming out of the tunnel. We're in for it today."
not a fan of adidas football brand of uniforms.The U's uniforms went backwards.
Anyone else see the new helmet? Gray helmet with silver new Knight logo ... I think with the gray cleats, we will have an all-gray uniform like the other adidas schools have had.

Ahh yes, I was sure I was the only one who noticed it. I paused it a few times to see if it was indeed gray or matte black. I would be ok with gray
As head coach (CEO of the program), couldn't Flood have veto'd those knight unis when he saw they looked like a 6 year old's PJs?
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Fact, approximately 50% of the fan base will hate the next uniform, and the one after that, and after that...until we start winning regularly which at that point the uniform worn will be synonymous with success.

If (insert any school name with iconic uniforms) had our records and history, they'd all hate their uniforms too.
As head coach (CEO of the program), couldn't Flood have veto'd those knight unis when he saw they looked like a 6 year old's PJs?

Probably not easily. If I am remembering it correctly, RU under Greg and worked with Nike to come up with those uni's.
Every hockey team is getting a New Jersey next season, as Adidas is the new maker.

Doubt the design is any different, maybe a very small addition
Let's hope so as the Devils and the Rangers look fine as is.
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missing something by shoulder pad area,arms sleeves...
Yeah...that number font is so bad. I really hope when the actual ones are revealed it goes back to the 2007 block numbers.
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You're completely wrong. All of the traditional powerhouses and any school who is to be taken seriously still have the same boring uniforms they had forever ago. It's usually the weird schools who have goofy uniforms.





These were my favorite Rutgers uniforms. Even moreso than the 2006.
If those Adidas unis above are the correct ones they are not quite "right". Compare them to the nike one in madchuck's post. The nike logo is there, but does not take the dominant position. That is, it is off to a aside and allows the RUTGERS name to be high on the chest in the "right" position (above the nipples, if you were wondering). Meanwhile in the adidas version the adidias logo grabs the prime center-top positions and forces the RUTGERS and the numbers DOWN the chest. They just look "wrong" in that position.
I think those are nice. Just remove the chest front and replace it with you secondary knight logo on the chest. Perfection!!!
I think those are placeholders (or at least I hope they are...).

They had this early bland mock-up in Miami before the "official" reveal:

"Actual" released unis (prior to return to current classic set):
Like said before in this thread they're just placeholders for now. These won't be the jerseys worn this year.

Also the font used is what's used for all athletic teams if I'm not mistaken. It was developed by Nike and was supposed to be consistent throughout athletics. I don't know if they change it but I hope they do.